José-Manuel Rey




Associate Professor
Departament of Economic Analysis
Faculty of Economics and Bussiness Administration
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Campus de Somosaguas
28223 Madrid
Phone +34 91 394 24 07
Fax +34 91 394 25 61




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B.Sc. in Mathematics (Universidad Autónoma, Madrid) and Ph.D. in Mathematics (Universidad Complutense, Madrid). A primary research interest since the doctoral period is geometric measure theory which  is the theoretical branch of fractal geometry. Since then he is also a member of the PEDOFRACT group based at the
Polytechnic School of Agronomy (Universidad Politécnica, Madrid), whose research field is fractal geometry with applications to soil and environmental sciences. A recent interest within mathematical psychology is the modeling and analysis of social interactions and dyadyc sentimental relationships. He is also interested in the popularization of mathematics.

