José M. Maroto
Associate Professor
Department of Statistics and Operations Research II
Faculty of Economics and Business Administration
Complutense University of Madrid
Office 227, Building 1
Campus de Somosaguas
28223 Pozuelo de Alarcón (Madrid)
Tel. +34913942898
E-mail: [email protected]
My primary research interests are in developing stochastic dynamic optimization bioeconomic models which allow us to analyze the potential danger of collapse of ecological and commercially valuable fish stocks. In particular, my research has focused on the biological and economic consequences of the presence of increasing returns (non-concavities) in the net revenue function from the fishery. More recently, my research has focused on detection of depensatory population dynamics which might be linked to the lack of recovery of collapsed species despite the moratorium which still remain in force. This result concurs with the observed non-recovery of collapsed species and seems to confirm that classic bioeconomic models are unable to describe the population dynamics of collapsed fish stocks since they overestimate the growth rate of these species at low population sizes.
The existence and stability of Equilibrium vs. collapse in age-structured models, has also recently been the subject of my research.
At present, my primary research interest is in constructing a bridge between continuous and discrete-time bioconomic models which overcomes the economic and biological weakness and preserves the strengths of both approaches, and which allows us to analyze the complex phenomenon of seasonality in real world fisheries.
Title: Optimality in age-structured bioeconomic models
Funding agency: Ministry of Science (MEC): MICINN 2012, ECO2012-39098-C06-00.
Participating institutions: Complutense University of Madrid (UCM), University of Vigo, University of the Basque Country,Norwegian University of Science and Technology, University of Helsinki.
Project period: 01/02/2013-01/02/2016
Funding: 19,500 Euros
PI: María José Gutiérrez Huerta
Number of participants: 7
Title: Stochastic calculus with applications to Social Sciences
Funding agency: MEC (MTM2009‐12672)
Participating institutions: UCM
Project period: 01/01/2010-01/01/2013
Funding: 39,900 Euros
PI: Manuel Morán Cabré
Number of participants: 6
Title: Nonlinear stochastic equilibria: economic and environmental applications
Funding agency: MEC (MTM2006-02372)
Participating institutions: UCM
Project period: November 2006- November 2009
Funding: 54,752.59 Euros
PI: Manuel Morán Cabré
Number of participants: 7
Title: Dynamics and geometry of stochastic equilibria
Funding agency: MEC (BMF2003-08204)
Participating institutions: UCM
Project period: November 2003-November 2006
Funding: 39,600 Euros
PI: Manuel Morán Cabré
Number of participants: 6
Title: Separation of deterministic components in time series processing
Funding agency: MEC (BX2000-0639)
Participating institutions: UCM
Project period: November 2000- November 2003
Funding: 4,200,000 pesetas
PI: Manuel Morán Cabré
Number of participants: 4
Title: Analysis of spatial correlations in time series
Funding agency: MEC (DGES PB97-031)
Participating institutions: UCM
Project period: January 1999- November 2000
Funding: 2,225,000 pesetas
PI: Manuel Morán Cabré
Number of participants: 4
Title: Ecosystem-Economic Interactions in the Norwegian Sea: Analysis and Management (EINSAM)
Funding agency: Research Council of Norway (NFR), project no. 234238/E40
Participating institutions: Norwegian School of Economics (NHH), Institute of Marine Research (Norway), University of Helsinki
Project period: 2014-2016
Funding: 3000000 NOK
PI: Sturla Kvamsdal
Number of participants: 8
Title: Stochastic Bioeconomic and Population Dynamics Modeling of Collapsed Fisheries
Funding agency: NILS Science and Sustainability. European Project (ES07 – EEA Grants) (021-ABEL-CM-2013)
Participating institutions: UCM, Norwegian School of Economics (NHH)
Project period: 07/04/2014-30/11/2015
Funding: 65,300 Euros
PI: José María Maroto Fernández
Number of participants: 8
Title: Bioeconomic Multispecies Analysis of Marine Ecosystem (BMAME)
Funding agency: Research Council of Norway (NFR), project no. 196433/S40
Participating institutions: Norwegian School of Economics
Project period: 01/01/2010-31/12/2013
Funding: 8800000 NOK
PI: Leif Sandal
Number of participants: 6
Title: A General Age-structured Model for Ecosystem Management (AGAMEM)
Funding agency: Research Council of Norway (NFR), project no. 216571
Participating institutions: Norwegian School of Economics
Project period: 01/01/2012-01/01/2016
Funding: 8450000 NOK
PI: Stein Ivar Steinshamn
Number of participants: 8
International Seminar: NILS Science and Sustainability International Seminar on Continuous vs. Discrete-Time Bioconomic Models: Seasonal Fisheries (Poster) (Diptic)
Organizer: José M. Maroto (PI), NILS Science and Sustainability. European Project (ES07 – EEA Grants) (021-ABEL-CM-2013)
Funding agency: Bilateral Relations, NILS Science and Sustainability (ES07 – EEA Grants) (009-2BBRR)
Funding: 6000 euros
Place: Complutense University of Madrid, 17/11/2015
Title: Learning about decision making in a conflict environment
Funding agency: Complutense University of Madrid (PIE 2003/26)
Project period: 2003
PI: Josefina García Aguado
Title: Teaching mathematics to economic students: A methodological change
Funding agency: Complutense University of Madrid (No. 300)
Project period: 2013
PI: María Eugenia Mera Rivas
Title: Teaching mathematical software to economic students: A methodological change
Funding agency: Complutense University of Madrid (No. 173)
Project period: 2014
PI: María Eugenia Mera Rivas
Thesis supervisor: Manuel Morán Cabré
I have developed my teaching career at Carlos III, Pompeu Fabra, and Complutense Universities, by teaching fourteen different subjects, in the fields of Economy, Business, Mathematics, Statistics, and Operations Research, in different undergraduate and Master programs. At present, I am teaching:
Statistics. Undergraduate degree in Economics (ECO)
Statistical Inference. Undergraduate degree in Finance, Banking, and Insurance (FBS)
Statistical Methods for Research II. Master degree in Business, Marketing, and Accounting (IDEMCON)
Statistical Analysis. Master degree in Official Statistics, and Social-Economic Indicators (EOISE).
Title: Lipschitz continuous dynamic programming with discount
Organizing entity: Asociación Española de Economía (SAEe)
Conference: XXVIII Simposio de Análisis Económico
Place: Sevilla (Spain), 13/12/2003
Title: Lipschitz continuous dynamic programming: Optimal exploitation of renewable resources with presence of increasing returns
Organizing entity: European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (EAERE)
Conference: XIII Annual Conference of the EAERE
Place: Budapest, 28/06/2004
Title: Lipschitz continuous dynamic programming: Optimal exploitation of renewable resources
Organizing entity: University of Castilla la Mancha
Conference: NOLINEAL 2004
Place: Toledo (Spain), 01/06/2004
Title:Stochastic dynamic programming: optimal management of renewable resources with presence of increasing returns
Organizing entity: Spanish-Portuguese Association of Resource and Environmental Economics (AERNA)
Conference: I Congress of the AERNA
Place: Vigo (Spain), 19/06/2004
Title:Increasing marginal returns in the optimal management of renewable resources
Organizing entity: European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (EAERE)
Conference: XIV Annual Conference of the EAERE
Place: Bremen, 23/06/2005
Title:Optimal management of fisheries with non-enforced regulation
Organizing entity: The International Society for Ecological Economics (ISEE)
Conference: Ninth Biennial Conference of the ISEE "Ecological Sustainability and Human Well-Being"
Place: New Delhi, 15/12/2006
Title:Optimal management of fisheries with non-enforced regulation based on the Precautionary Approach
Organizing entity: Spanish Economic Association (SAEe)
Conference: XXXII Symposium of Economic Analysis
Place: Granada (Spain), 13/12/2007
Title: Increasing marginal returns and the danger of collapse of commercially valuable fish stocks
Organizing entity: Spanish-Portuguese Association of Resource and Environmental Economics (AERNA)
Conference: III Congress of the AERNA
Place: Palma de Mallorca (Spain), 04/06/2008
Title:Optimal management of fisheries with non-enforced regulation based on the precautionary approach
Organizing entity: The International Society for Ecological Economics (ISEE)
Conference: Applying Ecological Economics for Social and Environmental Sustainability
Place: Nairobi (Kenya), 07/08/2008
Title: Potential collapse in fisheries with increasing returns and stock-dependent costs
Organizing entity: Spanish-Portuguese Association of Resource and Environmental Economics (AERNA)
Conference: IV Congress of the AERNA
Place: Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (Spain), 02/06/2010
Title: Potential collapse in fisheries with increasing returns and stock-dependent costs
Organizing entity: Spanish Economic Association (SAEe)
Conference: XXXVI Symposium of Economic Analysis
Place: Málaga (Spain), 14/12/2011
Title: Modeling the population dynamics of fish stocks at low population sizes: The case of the Northern cod
Organizing entity: The Fisheries Society of the British Isles (FBSI)
Conference: 6th World Fisheries Congress
Place: Edinburgh, 07/05/2012
Title: Modeling the population dynamics of fish stocks at low population sizes: The case of the Northern cod
Organizing entity: The International Society for Ecological Economics (ISEE)
Conference: Ecological Economics and Rio+20
Place: Rio de Janeiro (Brazil), 16/06/2012
Title: Modeling the population dynamics of fish stocks at low population sizes: The case of the Northern cod
Organizing entity: International Institute of Fisheries Economics and Trade (IIFET)
Conference: IIFET’s 16th Biennial Conference
Place: Dar es Salaam (Tanzania), 16/07/2012
Title: Lipschitz continuous dynamic programming with discount
Organizing entity: Institute for Research in Economics and Business Administration (SNF)
Conference: Research Seminar
Place: Bergen (Norway), Septiembre, 2003
Title: On the danger of collapse of schooling species
Organizing entity: The College of Economists of A coruña
Conference: VII National Congress on Economy
Place: A Coruña (Spain), 30/09/2005
Title: Non-concavities in some economic problems: a dynamic programming approach
Organizing entity: Department of Economy, Southern Methodist University (SMU)
Conference: Research Seminar
Place: Dallas (USA), December, 2005
Title: Optimal management of fisheries with non-enforced regulation
Organizing entity: Department of Economic Analysis I, University of the Basque Country (UPV)
Conference: Research Seminar
Place: Bilbao (Spain), 16/03/2007
Title: Invited Discussant
Organizing entity: Banco Santander Foundation
Conference: XXI Moneda y Crédito Symposium: Economic Policy Evaluation
Place: Madrid (Spain), 14/11/2008
Title: On the danger of collapse of species in presence of increasing marginal returns (non-concavities)
Organizing entity: Department of Quantitative Economics, Autónoma University of Madrid (UAM)
Conference: Research Seminar
Place: Madrid (Spain), 30/04/2009
Title: Invited Expert
Organizing entity: Technological Centre of the Sea (CETMAR)
Conference: Workshop on advances in integrated biological & economic models for fisheries assessment
Place: Vigo (Spain), 22/07/2011
Title: Invited Expert
Organizing entity: Research Group in Economic Analysis (RGEA)
Conference: II Workshop on Age-structured Models in Fishery Economics and Bioconomic Modelling
Place: Vigo (Spain), 05/11/2011
Title: Equilibrium versus collapse in age-structured models: The case of the Northern cod
Organizing entity: Department of Business and Management Science, Norwegian School of Economics (NHH)
Conference: Workshop on Age-structured Models
Place: Bergen (Norway), 13/06/2012
Title: Some Problems in Natural Resources Economics; Analysis of collapsed species: The case of the Northern cod stock
Organizing entity: IMI-Institute of Interdisciplinary Mathematics, Complutense University of Madrid
Conference: Research Seminar
Place: Madrid (Spain), 05/02/2014
Title: Biodynamics and limit reference points in collapsed fisheries: The case of the Northern cod stock
Organizing entity: Department of Quantitative Economics, Autónoma University of Madrid (UAM)
Conference: Research Seminar
Place: Madrid (Spain), 07/02/2014
Title: Biological and economic weakness in both continuous and discrete-time bioeconomic models
Organizing entity: NILS Science and Sustainability. European Project (ES07 – EEA Grants) (021-ABEL-CM-2013)
Conference: Research Seminar
Place: Bergen (Norway), April, 2014
Title: The Runge-Kutta 4th order method in population dynamics models of fish stocks
Organizing entity: NILS Science and Sustainability. European Project (ES07 – EEA Grants) (021-ABEL-CM-2013)
Conference: Research Seminar
Place: Bergen (Norway), May, 2014
Title: Nonautonomous discrete time bioeconomic models with periodic solutions
Organizing entity: NILS Science and Sustainability. European Project (ES07 – EEA Grants) (021-ABEL-CM-2013)
Conference: Research Seminar
Place: Bergen (Norway), June, 2014
Title: A bridge between continuous and discrete-time bioconomic models: Seasonal fisheries
Organizing entity: IMI-Institute of Interdisciplinary Mathematics, Complutense University of Madrid
Conference: Research Seminar
Place: Madrid (Spain), 26/06/2015
Title: A bridge between continuous and discrete-time bioconomic models: Seasonal fisheries
Organizing entity: José M. Maroto (PI), NILS Science and Sustainability. European Project (ES07 – EEA Grants) (021-ABEL-CM-2013)
Conference: NILS Science and Sustainability International Seminar on Continuous vs. Discrete-Time Bioconomic Models: Seasonal Fisheries
Place: Madrid (Spain), 17/11/2015
Title: Seasonality in fisheries: A bridge between continuous and discrete-time bioconomic models
Organizing entity: ICMAT-Institute for Mathematical Sciences of CSIC, Autónoma University of Madrid (UAM)
Conference: Workshop Mathematical Perspectives in Biology
Place: Madrid (Spain), 05/02/2016
Title: Bioconomic modeling of seasonal fisheries: A reinterpretation of the Equilibrium
Organizing entity: ICMAT-Institute for Mathematical Sciences of CSIC, Autónoma University of Madrid (UAM)
Conference: Research Seminar
Place: Madrid (Spain), 03/06/2016
Internacional Seminar: NILS Science and Sustainability International Seminar on Continuous vs. Discrete-Time Bioconomic Models: Seasonal Fisheries (Poster) (Diptic)
Organizer: José M. Maroto (PI), NILS Science and Sustainability. European Project (ES07 – EEA Grants) (021-ABEL-CM-2013)
Funding agency: Bilateral Relations, NILS Science and Sustainability (ES07 – EEA Grants) (009-2BBRR)
Funding: 6000 euros
Place: Complutense University of Madrid, 17/11/2015